All About Gnats: What You Should Know

If you are experiencing a gnat problem, you might chalk it up to seasonality or the area where you live. Gnats are small, black, or dark-brown flying bugs resembling small houseflies. There are both biting and non-biting gnats. Most commonly found in our yards and homes are non-biting, fungus gnats, or non-biting fruit or drain flies. Whether gnats have swarmed your yard or are taking over your indoor space, they are a nuisance. Let’s discuss the causes of gnats, how you can get rid of them, and ways to prevent an infestation at your home.

What causes gnats at home?

Gnats are attracted to moist, decaying organic materials, such as rotten fruit, wet drains, sinks, moist potting soil, or rotting leaves. In addition to moisture and decaying fruits and vegetables, gnats gravitate toward the body heat that humans emit, our sweat, and other attractive elements of our bodily fluids. Gnats are also drawn to sweet-smelling perfumes and lotions. One of the last, and sometimes surprising things that draw in gnats, is light. Like flies, gnats flock to lamps and other light fixtures indoors and outdoors. 

How do I get rid of gnats?

After experiencing a gnat infestation, you may feel like you may never get rid of them. Whether you have fruit flies, fungus gnats, or drain flies, there are different ways to eradicate the infestation. End your plight by following these steps:

  • Eliminate their food sources: Dying plants and moist soil or mold will often bring fungus gnats. Get rid of old, dead leaves from plants, especially if the plant is too damp or rotting. You can re-pot moldy, rotten plants or replace them with healthier new ones. Fruit flies feast on overripe and rotten produce, so get rid of those before they become a problem. Drain flies (or phorid flies) breed in sink drains and other leaky plumbing fixtures. Sealing leaks and drains will eliminate the areas they can thrive. 

  • Try hydrogen peroxide when watering plants: If the gnats are coming from your plants, try using one part hydrogen peroxide and four parts water solution to water them. You will notice a bubbling that signifies the mixture is killing the fungus from which gnats feed. 

  • Call in a professional: Depending on the type of gnat you have, there are different approaches to eradicating an infestation. To ensure that both adult and baby gnats (larvae) do not find your yard or inside your home hospitable, consider calling in a professional pest service. 

How do I prevent gnats?

A lot of pest control is prevention. When it comes to gnats, eliminating standing moisture and getting rid of decaying or dying organic material can prevent them from finding solace in your home. Keeping a clean kitchen and throwing away perishing items will also help. Also, refrain from leaving out food overnight, especially sugary or sweet liquids, like wine, juice, or sauces. Lastly, do not overwater plants. The soil needs to dry in between each watering. Otherwise, you’ll start to see unhealthy plants and the start of a gnat problem. 

San Tan Pest And Weed Control offer reliable pest control for residential and commercial customers in Mesa, Tempe, Ahwatukee, Phoenix, Lower Santan Village, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Gilbert, and Chandler. Our pest management services control scorpions, ants, termites, bees, wasps, fleas, rodents, cockroaches, weeds, and more. We provide attic and crawl space cleaning and home sealing services to keep pests out. Call us at (480)405-0690.


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